Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis More Condition_symptoms

Under Martian influence

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Mars red ...

the tune of little girl raising the skin of the water to see a dog sleeping in the shade of the sea ..

Since 2006, the NASA probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), orbiting about 300 km above the Martian surface. On board is the HiRISE camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment), capable of providing color images, stereo and high resolution the surface of Mars.
It can be observed with great detail the most intriguing parts of the Martian surface, such as furrows discoveries by Mars Global Surveyor, the sedimentary layers exposed in the bottom of Valles Marineris, or on the slopes of impact craters, or the layered deposits of ice caps.
Snapshots are simply extraordinary showing the details of complex landscapes at once familiar and strange. Splendid illusions, dazzling as much as disturbing, evocative abstract works perfectly ... they appear to me to be honest as a prodigious source of inspiration, a wealth creators to dream of all stripes and conjuring the image.

Most of the photos from this site . The translations of the captions are approximate ...
Click on each photo for better resolution.

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Entrelacs left by the earlier passage of dust devils through the sand dunes, where they were raised by a reddish-pink dust clearer, revealing a darker substance underneath. Are also visible dark streaks along the sloping edges of the dunes, formed by a process that is not yet explained.

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Part of the southern polar cap of Mars, showing stratified layers exposed by a long process of sublimation.

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Avalanches on North Polar escarpment of Mars. Material, likely including fine particles ice and dust and possibly also including large blocks, has detached from a steep cliff and cascades down to the more gentle slopes located below. The cloud is about 180 meters in diameter and extends approximately 190 m from the base of the cliff.

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Victoria Crater Meridiani Planum. The crater is about 800 meters in diameter. The strata of sedimentary rocks are exposed along the inner wall of the crater, and boulders fallen from the wall are visible on the bottom.

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This image shows a channel of flooding in the region Deuteronilus Mensae. Many of the valley bottoms in this region are complex arrays of small ridges and pits often called valleys debacles. The cause of this small-scale texture is not well understood but could be the result of impressions in soils rich in ice, or loss of ice due to sublimation (ice turning into water vapor ).

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Ravines, ridges, ripples and traces of dust devils over the dunes of the crater Russell.

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A sawtooth pattern in the carbon dioxide ice in the south polar region of Mars.

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A small impact crater in the middle of a complex web of traces of dust devils across the Martian surface.

Other photos are visible here, and to continue the journey (grayscale unfortunately), there is nothing going on Google Mars.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Leg Pain More Condition_symptoms

Inspiration Livestock farmer

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Alongside the opening of the Salon of Agriculture ... old sheet and families returned moult once converted, printed peasant scenes, complete with silk crepe satin from gray, tan and drawstring seeds sapindus murdered in the Dremel ...
Just enough to slide a small pot with slices of candied bergamot in quince jelly, a divine indulgence, a pleasure without a name, a word perfectly hedonistic, concocted an evening of recent vacation ... Citrus Bergamia, heaven on earth!

Citrus Risso & Poit bergamia .

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Meanwhile, the Register of promises, we fill up one side ... but difficult to scoop the other end, missed the principle of communicating vessels! Especially an unexpected order, more than serious and farmer too, just to force the heat seamstresses ... Simone but loses nothing by waiting! Cursed

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On Air ONZAIN hétérogrammatiques ... Each
hundred and twenty and a square of that book would be a Onzain, a square of eleven different points, each of which would be stitched in all eleven stitches from the center ... there would be eleven series of eleven color combinations. Each series would use the same set of colors, something like a range, which would produce a set permutations on a principle similar to that of serial music: you can not repeat a color before you run the series.

Loosely inspired by Alphabets Georges Perec.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vaganismus Medications


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Mangrove fantail - 2009

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Flying Pigeon in Jar - 2008
Owl in a Jar, Owl Circling -2009

Anna-Wili Highfield is a young Australian artist trained at the National Art School in Sydney. Besides the copper tubing that bends and twists in all directions to create sculptural forms reminiscent of the drawings, she creates animal figures quite realistic cloth torn from paper, just ink and watercolor.

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Magpie - 2009

To construct this fragile beasts at the sight qu'invocateur also evocative, it simply uses a needle and thread, nothing is stapled or glued in any way ie, everything is assembled with simple stitches. This is probably what gives his work such lightness and sense of this pretty ephemeral.
She works on power series, born under her fingers swarms of birds and mammals of all kinds, expressive and sophisticated, owls, pigeons, gulls and sparrows, magpies, turtles and horses ...

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White Horse - 2009, Brahminy Kite
, Turtle, Paper Horse - 2008
Barn Owl, Kookaburra - 2009

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Black Angus - 2009

Thursday, February 18, 2010

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From the sky

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Earth 3-2004

Rosalie Gascoigne is a New Zealand born artist, born in 1917 in Auckland and died in 1999.
Wife astronomer Ben Gascoigne is the Mount Stromlo Observatory near Canberra that she developed her intense love of the Australian landscape. Came to live in the midst of these vast territories of the early years of her marriage, space and freedom she has discovered it not only offered a great contrast with the restrictions of his life in Auckland where she had experienced a difficult childhood, but also necessary to escape a housewife in the 1950s, stuck in a tedious daily domesticity, especially in a very isolated environment.
His interest in developing his art from materials she found around her was born of a deep desire to surround himself with beauty. It was much later, almost by accident that it was "discovered" and was able to develop his work as presented today and collected by art critics.

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Apothecary - 1992

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Sleeper - 1992

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Acacia - 1989

She worked primarily on the interplay of colors and materials recovery she reconstructs the tenant in small plates, wooden boxes of any kind, or old corrugated cartons packaging ... or she assembles like a game cube.
Juxtapositions random reconstructions of wild and urban landscapes, between allusion and illusion, it is inspired by the vision favored by painters Aborigines show the earth from above. It borrows
their own perspective of looking and is quite close in the bottom of the design they have vibration the world.

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Rose Red City, 1992-1993

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Wool Clip - 1995

unions Schweppes example with their typical yellow, are decomposed into a graphical game where letters reinterpreted symbols refer to Aborigines as the U representing women initiated or participants in a religious ceremony.

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Birdsong - 1999

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Velicity Von - Megapost

Petra Werle

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Drunkenness of Angels - 1999

I for long been fascinated by this "Drunkenness angels" without knowing the original image recorded in a hurry and author whose name was lost with all hands in the mazes of the net.
same time, and without thinking to make a comparison, I kept remembering the long miniature coaster, both comical and magical, with extraordinary finesse, as seen in the 80 at an exhibition in Strasbourg, but without being able to find the author ... Double
fascination, one day I discovered that a single person was hiding behind these two images, the angels and the recollection.

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Entomology No. 2 - The Council of bakers - 1999

During his years in Strasbourg, while she was cashier of cinema, Petra Werle developed a passion for bread of bread she has continued to knead, knead, narrow in the extreme, the fingertips and the relative silence and the smallness of his box, to take extraordinary and tiny statuettes resembling cheeky clowns, sometimes embellished with a touch of gouache and never more than a few centimeters.

When is a child, it uncovers randomly from a reverie, on the skin veined with tree trunks or stone, sometimes even amid gray or blue tracery of some linoleum, small things that give a glimpse of a contorted mind to matter, a host of strange and mysterious characters, and other chimeras Jabberwocky, bestiary fantasy that suddenly takes you into a secret world, lurking on the surface of things ... Petra Werle
For it was the bread, the first face was there, just emerging from this living flesh.
She crept into the breach, and the adventure began ... Trapped in

frameworks or put under glass, while a small nation of whimsical characters took shape disheveled, rowdy and impertinent madly, waving and grinning with false airs sorry bantering and smiles, tiny theater of life and love, between grotesque and beautiful, carved in the bread of the day.
Among his early characters, Arthur -Still-Here and Monica-Belle-de-Frost Lascault where Gilbert has written a love story.

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Romance of Arthur-always-there
and Monica-belle-de-frost

1982-1986, Editions Baby Lone

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Arthur's journey-always-there
1987-1991, Editions Baby Lone

It works on the principle of the series: Constellations (1995), Sex Scenes (1998), Entomology (1999 ), Procession (2000), The Circus of Love (2002), The Hours and Days (2004), and Histoires naturelles (2005).
love and eroticism, human vanity, and sometimes death, feed on a cosmography overflowing.

Butoh, Dance of Darkness , is a dance avant-garde underground invented in Japan in 1959. Petra Werle said
she had an epiphany when she saw for the first time the dancers body and bleached ecstatic faces, impassive: "My mind stood up in my head, my heart began to beat, j have had the feel of them. "
The simplicity of the means used and the fact transform the flesh into moving sculptures, sign language where bodies express what dwells in a kind of wild beauty and sensual, without artifice, and scored Petra Werle forged a deep bond with breadcrumbs.

In 1998 she participated in the inauguration of the Museum of eroticism in Paris with Robert Combas, which greatly helped to focus critical attention on his work.

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Sex Scenes - 1998

In 1997 she moved to Montreuil, and after several years of exclusive passion for bread, is now on the side of insects that it draws its inspiration and its raw material.
wings of butterflies, discarded shells, beetles, stick insects and elytra, pupal cocoons, carapaces, antennae and various appendages, but also some grass blades and it eradicates pericarps, are its scope of sourcing.
His characters grow in size and color, the set gets more sparkling and colorful array of carnival dream revisited by the phantasmagoria of a Hieronymus Bosch Lilliputians.

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Natural History No. 10

The characters are pinned in black boxes, appropriately labeled:
Mesmers ragged, the crowd of disheveled, romantic Cannibals, The palaver palpitations, facetious flicker, The fanatics flutter, seductive striptease ...

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Natural History
© Photos Frantisek Zvardon - Editions Castor & Pollux