the tune of little girl raising the skin of the water to see a dog sleeping in the shade of the sea ..
Since 2006, the NASA probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), orbiting about 300 km above the Martian surface. On board is the HiRISE camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment), capable of providing color images, stereo and high resolution the surface of Mars.
It can be observed with great detail the most intriguing parts of the Martian surface, such as furrows discoveries by Mars Global Surveyor, the sedimentary layers exposed in the bottom of Valles Marineris, or on the slopes of impact craters, or the layered deposits of ice caps.
Snapshots are simply extraordinary showing the details of complex landscapes at once familiar and strange. Splendid illusions, dazzling as much as disturbing, evocative abstract works perfectly ... they appear to me to be honest as a prodigious source of inspiration, a wealth creators to dream of all stripes and conjuring the image.
Most of the photos from this site . The translations of the captions are approximate ...
Click on each photo for better resolution.

Entrelacs left by the earlier passage of dust devils through the sand dunes, where they were raised by a reddish-pink dust clearer, revealing a darker substance underneath. Are also visible dark streaks along the sloping edges of the dunes, formed by a process that is not yet explained.

Part of the southern polar cap of Mars, showing stratified layers exposed by a long process of sublimation.

Avalanches on North Polar escarpment of Mars. Material, likely including fine particles ice and dust and possibly also including large blocks, has detached from a steep cliff and cascades down to the more gentle slopes located below. The cloud is about 180 meters in diameter and extends approximately 190 m from the base of the cliff.

Victoria Crater Meridiani Planum. The crater is about 800 meters in diameter. The strata of sedimentary rocks are exposed along the inner wall of the crater, and boulders fallen from the wall are visible on the bottom.

This image shows a channel of flooding in the region Deuteronilus Mensae. Many of the valley bottoms in this region are complex arrays of small ridges and pits often called valleys debacles. The cause of this small-scale texture is not well understood but could be the result of impressions in soils rich in ice, or loss of ice due to sublimation (ice turning into water vapor ).

Ravines, ridges, ripples and traces of dust devils over the dunes of the crater Russell.

A sawtooth pattern in the carbon dioxide ice in the south polar region of Mars.

A small impact crater in the middle of a complex web of traces of dust devils across the Martian surface.
Other photos are visible here, and to continue the journey (grayscale unfortunately), there is nothing going on Google Mars.